data data data data data data data data data data data data

Thursday, October 21, 2010

mindbending findings...does anyone give a hot damn??

Cosmic rays sent by NASA's 2001 mars odyssey spacecraft first detected underground water on Mars in 2002.  The Mars Phoenix Lander confirmed it in july 2008.  Ice on Mars? carbon containing chemicals - a planet within our solar system with soil rich in hydrogen- put it on the damn marquee!  They've detected these raw materials of life (as we know them) at the red planet's south pole, yet no one (outside of the science community) seems to give a hot damn.  I never heard a darn peep about the topic on the McLaughlin Group (pbs), larry king (cnn) had those twirps on with that phony alien footage but zilch on mars, and my local 11 o'clock newz barely mentioned it in passing.  ho hum.

I'm no darn astrophysicist, or climatologist- but it would seem to me this finding is of the utmost importance.  There are explicit implications: the building blocks of life existing on another planet in our solar system, and there are numberLESS solar systems.  I'm reminded of that scientist on pbs awhile back stating that for we humans to believe we're alone in the universe(s) would be inexplicably egocentric.  We're destroying our own planet and we've found another where molecules could (theoretically) expand, creating plants and oxygen.  Yet we, the masses, don't give a hoot?  perhaps we're not the perceptionists we think we are.

There must be a few north americans tickled pink with the mars data, hypothesizing their colonization theories and such?  There's gotta be a focus group or two made up of normal folk (non scientists) out there who get together and break numbers down via chalkboard and overhead projector.  folk trying to monitor the situation while taking Mars scantron tests, passing around protractors and lending each other monocles and shit.   the type to be printing out faxes?  I got a hunch.

I kindof like our trivial ways, but preoccupied and distracted by nonsense (24/7) makes for a shitty planet.
Our tv screens run the gamut, don't they? - but all filth and nothing vital makes you and i (mega) dull.
Are we adoring technologies that undo our capacity to think?   or utilizing and using proper perspective?  what do you monitor?    be that as it may..i like you, and you , and yous. and you and yous.

links: (arthur c. clarke) (protons) (gamma rays) (treacherous three- u.f.o.)
(high apple pie in the sky hopes)